417 Magazine's Indulge Event
417 Magazine served up an evening full of fashion, charity, shopping, cocktails, girlfriends and pampering at Indulge, presented by Bharat Shah MD, FACS on Thursday, October 3. Plus, 417's 10 Most Beautiful Women walked the runway in fall fashions while representing local charities. (
"I want to thank everyone who supported me for 417 Magazines Most Beautiful Woman Contest. I first want thank all of my family for coming out to support me; you guys have been by my side since day one and I am so grateful for your everlasting love! I want to thank my in-laws, all of my aunts, cousins, friends and my amazing AN community for the support you gave me; either through event ticket purchases or donations. Taking home 1st place was a true honor and is something I will never ever forget.
The love this community has not only shown me but also Team A.N.A. 417 honestly leaves me speechless and for that I am truly grateful.
I want to give a big shout out to 417 Magazine as well. Thank you for all that you do and all that you are in this community. Your team consist of true professionals and are such a pleasure to work with! I also want to thank the 9 incredible women who I had the pleasure of sharing the runway with last Thursday night. Everything you ladies are doing in this community is truly remarkable and you inspire me in so many ways!
My Board of Directors, you all rock! Even though some couldn’t make it to the event, thank you all for not only being an amazing board but also for being amazing humans with huge hearts.
And lastly, I want to thank my husband. We experienced a personal family tragedy in the early morning last Thursday and amongst his pain, he continued to encourage and support me throughout the entire day. It was one of the hardest days of our lives and my husband is one of the strongest people I know. I am so grateful he has chosen me to love all of these years.
Again, thank you all for believing in me and Team A.N.A. 417!"
- Jennifer Miller, Founder; Team A.N.A. 417